Today is National Coming Out Day and October is Queer Romance Month. Both great reasons to celebrate.
Invitations: To recognize, celebrate, and advocate love is love, Queer Romance has a whole site with great blogs and stories. Check it out.
Also, I request the honor of your presence. Stalk me by liking/following my Author Fan Page on Facebook, or GoodReads, or Amazon. Three more places to party.
Party Favors: G.I. Joe Holiday, my Navy SEAL Christmas story where Declan Mathews comes out to his family, is free on Smashwords. Don't use Smashword? No problem, comment below with the file type and I'll send it to you.
Toast: *thunks side of glass* I want to thank you all for coming. I was speaking to a mentor this morning about reoccurring themes in my writing. She says I write about outliers. The Amazons, Mightys, Blue Hairs, Navy SEALS, Bi-Sexuals, Gays, uptight accountants and rugged adventurers...People who are trying and succeed at finding their place in life, but only after they are brave enough to say, "I deserve, have earned, a right to a Happily Ever After. This is who I am and I'm proud." Let's give these brave souls around of applause.
Parting Gift: Bravery Not Included is now just $2.99 at these fine retailers. Amazon and Smashwords. The print version will be available by the end of the month.
Go forth and enjoy your gifts and thank you for coming.
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